Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Sink or Swim Today Will End!

Its 4:54 pm and I just laid the baby down for another nap mostly because I can't figure out what he wants. We are totally off schedule and I feel like I am drowning this week. We haven't done school since before Thanksgiving. Last week we had three field trips and while it was a blast I have fallen so behind on school and house chores it feels stressful. And now the household has caught a cold Ugh! And I almost forgot to mention unless I am yelling like a maniac my kids just don't seem to want to listen this week.

I need a day to plan, get some things done and reset. But let's face it, that is not happening any time soon, especially with a sick baby! As much as I love the holidays i see now why this time of year is so stressful for parents!!

Today I wish Santa was real. I wish magic elves would come and clean my home and cook some food and take away some of the chores so I could focus more on the fun stuff.

Do you ever feel completely torn between needing to keep up with things and trying to just be in the moment?

I hate feeling like I am the complete opposite of the mom I want to be. UGh!! so glad today is almost over, this is one of those days where keeping the kids alive and fed is going to have to be enough ... I'm going to go cry now while the baby sleeps for 20 mins and regain some strength 😭😭😂😂😂 #buildingmommymuslces #gainingpatience #isitbedtimeyet