Monday, February 6, 2017

A Day in the Life (what happens when I don't open the curriculum)

It's the day after Super Bowl Sunday and while I wasn't out late drinking, I was out
 late and I felt it this morning! And since we all know babies wake up at the same time every morning no matter what time they go to bed at night, which it was about midnight by time we got home and got the kids settled. 7:24 AM came quickly this morning. Needing time to unwind for myself took me longer than anticipated and I didn't get myself to bed until 1:30 AM. With only 6 hours of sleep I didn't feel up to doing our normal school day routine.


 The kids had a blast last night running and playing with their friends! Who doesn't love a good Superbowl Party

So today was a good day for a laid back learning day and with the grace of God I just went with the flow. We had some reading to catch up on and spent most the day outside. We got some cleaning done. And even built a fire.  All in all we truly enjoyed our laid back day. I think we all needed it after the busy weekend we had!

To keep the kids busy we spent some time building a birdhouse and bird bath! It's always nerve wracking to have your children hammer a small nail so close to your own thumb! LOL check out this video to take a peak into what our day looked like!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Be sure to subscribe to both my blog and Youtube channel to get updates on my latest post. I hope you are having a wonderful day, no matter how many times the camera falls while you may be trying to record  LOL or wait was that just me?? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

God Bless

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