Monday, February 20, 2017

The Daily Grind

This past week has been one of those hectic weeks that never seems to end and nothing seems to  be getting done LOL! And Valentine's day on a Tuesday only enhanced my desire for it to be the weekend already. Anyone else feel that way?

So anyways... Since there was still a full week ahead I decided I needed some intention in my life. This week I'm really trying to focus on learning how to balance my brain. Balancing chores, the kids, running the house amd homeschooling takes a certain mindset. One must have the ability to plan and make things happen whie also being able to relax, enjoy and go with the flow along the way. Be relaxed without being too relaxed. Sounds easy, right?!?! 😂😂😂

During the day the house will get messy, dishes will fill the sink and spills will happen. And it's easy to want to just clean up every little thing as it spills. But that is no way to live.I'm learning the trick isnt to be a neat freak but find a way to be ok with the mess until its time to clean up.

And for me I think that is the secret
If I  straighten up here and there as I go but ultimately wait till the end of the day to straighten up and get my house in order and do it just in time for the kids to go to bed, I feel good about that. This way the kids help clean and I get to sit down and enjoy my organized home once they go to bed! Win win!

But don't let me fool you, as soon as I think I have a routine I noticed the baby was fighting his morning nap this week. So today, with Tripp not feeling well we took the day off of school and I decided to work on cutting out that morning nap.

Reid did well and instead of going down at 10 he went down at one. When he got fussy at 10:30 I put on some music. At 11 I gave him a snack. At noon we went outside and at 12:30 he ate lunch. And at 1 he was ready to go down. It went well. So now we'll see what time he wakes up and see how this affects his sleeping habbits at night (if at all!).

Also this week I have been dealing with living on a super tight budget like $78 to feed us for the week. While that may not seem like a lot it can go far with the right planning. I love having a budget mixed with God's blessing and seeing how far it can go. One way I was able to save money this week was by making homemade pancakes, pizza and crackers.

All three were delicious and of course there is the added benefit of feeling confident about what you are feeding your family. It's amazing how what used to be simple knowedge like making bread and pancakes is something most people don't know how to do. But as a parent it is obvious it's really the most basic skills for survival that keep us alive. It is exciting to bring that knowledge back to life in my own home.

Check out this video to see what a week in my life looks like! I share my favorite warm up, how I healed my swollen wrist using a natural remedy, some clips of the kids, and a 10 minute HIIT workout that will get your blood flowing!!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Be sure to like and subscribe and let me know you were here by dropping a comment below!

God Bless!! Xoxoxo

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