Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Gardening 101

One of my favorite things about home schooling is you can incorporate any subject or topic of study into your curriculum. You are not just limited to math and English or even basic science and social studies. You can literally study any thing you want to with your children.

This year I wanted to start my own Fall Garden and decided it would be a great "subject" to add our curriculum. I figured it would get us out of the house on a daily basis, help us learn how to garden and care for plants, and how to harvest. Plus I have always wanted to learn, so why not learn with the kids as we go? There is so much practical information that can be gained from a growing garden.

So during the last few weeks of summer before school started I did some research. I have wanted to start a garden in the past, but it just wasn't the right time. Now it felt like the right time, I could feel it in my bones if that makes sense. And everything started to fall into place.

I decided the  best way to start was to build my garden inside of something and not go for a full out garden in the open yard. At first I was going to use an old tire in the shed, only to come to find out it is a spare tire for my husband's truck! LOL good thing I didn't use that! So I started to look around my yard for what I could find. (I am crafty like that! :)) I found some old deck planks that I thought would be perfect!

I called my husband's Aunt, who used to work at Lowe's and asked her if she would help me. She came over the following Monday with her drill and hand saw and within 20 minutes we had built a garden box!This is the farthest I had ever come to actually starting a garden!!

A few days later I went to the local Nursery to see about starting my fall garden. I was ready to buy soil and plants, but the guy told me to wait till the last week of August to plant my plants. Thankful for the information and a little bummed I wouldn't have my garden planted that night, we left and headed home empty handed.

Finally the last weekend of August arrived!!! The first step was to till the land. Tripp and I got our shovels and began digging up the area we needed for our garden box. We had a lot of roots and weeds to get rid of. But Tripp had fun doing it. He actually said, "Working is fun! I like digging!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. But he was sincere and enjoyed the digging and picking up roots. He was on a mission to find the biggest root! And he stuck it out till the rain kicked us inside.

Since most of the land was tilled and ready I woke up Sunday morning so excited and as soon as the baby went down for his morning nap I took a --kid free!!!-- trip to Lowe's and got a bunch of soil and seedlings ready to plant our garden!

With a little more work and realizing that we only had enough soil for one side of the garden box (and honestly probably still need more) we planted our seedlings of Romaine, Baby Broccoli and Parsley. We watered our garden and stood back feeling happy and thankful!

Fast forward to a week and a half later and our garden is doing pretty well! Most of it is still alive LOL Tripp and I check on it daily and he waters it on the days it needs it. We found a slug in there today, With some research  we discovered slugs are no good for our vegetable garden. So Tripp  removed the slug and moved him far away. We will have to keep our eye out for more.  We started off with 9 Romaine Seedlings, 9 Baby Broccoli seedlings and a pot of parsley. We did loose some Romaine it seems we have 5 left, But other than that the plants seem to be thriving and growing already!

We are really enjoying caring for our garden and can't wait to see it grow! It has already provided us with an opportunity for hard work, time outside and quality time together! I am glad I added it to our curriuclum this year and look forward to learning and growing more in the future!

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