Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Farm Life

We are just getting home from a field trip. While the kids play and unwind I am sitting here looking at pictures and reflecting over our morning. We had a fun time this morning visiting Ms. Nancy's Farmhouse. What a blessing it was that she would invite over our home school group to show our kiddos what the farm life is like! Boy did we do a lot in only an hour in and a half.

The kids brushed the horse and got him ready to be ridden. I even took a turn brushing the horse, and for a moment I felt like Amy in Heartland...until the horse moved his head LOL . Then I was done. The kids took turns riding the horse. Even Reid had his moment! (You know Daddy was proud and believes his kids are natural born cowboys)

They fed the chickens. Which was funny because the kids wanted to chase and play with the chickens but when they would run in their direction the kids would run in the opposite direction.

We took a hayride to fish pond and fed the fish. And this was a good opportunity for me to nurse Reid as he was getting fussy and at least I had a seat and everyone was busy. Luckily Reid doesn't take long and I was able to go down to the pond and join in on the fun. The fish were jumping like crazy for the food! The pond was stocked full of huge cat fish.

Then we went and attempted to feed the cows. But it was so muddy from the rain a few days ago that the mosquitoes were huge and seeing that the cows weren't interested in our hay we moved on to collecting eggs.

After that we fed the goats.  

It was a hot and busy morning. But it sure was fun. There is something enjoyable about farm life. Something inside my bones desires to live off the land. This morning has me thinking and feeling thankful for all the farmers here in this country. Farming is hard work, but without it where would we be?  Still wandering the plains searching for food? LOL I am thankful we had the opportunity to go this morning. I don't want my kids to be scared of raising their own animals or growing their own garden. I pray that they learn these basic skills that are necessary for life and apply them to their life when they grow up.

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