Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Prayer for Our Nation

Watching people's reactions to the up coming election scares me greatly. I feel like the closer we get to the election the more the media tries to split us up. You know the saying a divided house can't stand? Then why as a country are we separating ourselves into different groups instead of calling ourselves what we really are in regards to an election year. We are Americans! All of us who are legal citizens have that in common! And as we prepare to vote I would just encourage you to think of our nation as a whole. Think of our debt, economy, protection and progression not as a reflection of you as an individual but as as a reflection of our nation as a whole.

I'm tired of hearing how Americans are perceived across the world. I'm tired of being too distracted to care.  I love America and my freedoms. I love the beauty of this land and I love the people. I don't expect us to all agree on everything but i think we can peacefully agree to disagree on certain issues and for time unite as Americans and stand up for our nation before we lose it!

 I'd like to see a positive change, so in order to see change we must be the change.

As this election comes up I have realized, on top of voting, the most important thing I can do is pray out loud for our nation. I may not have many weapons under my belt, but by using the word of God I have the most powerful one. I have started doing it in the morning at school time so the kids will learn to pray for our country as well. It is important we all raise up our voices to God. I hand up silent prayers through out the day as well.   I am encouraging you to do the same, to prayerfully consider and listen to the Lord as He leads and restores the nation we all love!

Here is my personal prayer for the nation. A word God led me to when asking Him how I should pray for our nation. I hope this can encourage you during this stressful time!

Be blessed!
Heather xoxo

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