Sunday, October 30, 2016

I'm a Natural...a Natural Mess!!!!

I am seriously a naturally a messy person. My mom has always told me, "You'd loose your head if it wasn't attached." I had a messy room growing up and have had to teach myself how to be neat. I love quotes that call messy creative and I would like to think I am creative. BUT I have to admit I am a mess!

Let me tell you about my day yesterday:  We had a super busy day planned yesterday. We had to meet my husband at the bank before I had to get Tripp to his soccer game and then we had to go to a birthday party that was about 45 minutes away. As my fellow moms know it never simple to get out the door. SO I was a little anxious about the day,but I knew it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

Everything was going smoothly, we were right on time. Just as I am shuffling the kids out the door I go to grab my keys...and can NOT find them anywhere. I start thinking...that last time I drove was on Thursday, We had to run to Aldi's to get diapers and dinner. I made it home so at least I knew the car keys were in the house somewhere! ... it is Now Saturday...thats a few days who knows what I could have done with them since! I look up at the clock it is 12:18 PM and I was supposed to meet Nick at the bank at 12:15...the day is slowly slipping out of my control.

With time crunching in my ear knowing we had to get Tripp to his soccer game by 1:30 I gave up looking and Nick and I decide Nick would come pick me up, we would run to the bank, and he would drop us off at the game. He gets here we transfer the car seats and stuff pretty quickly and get on the road.

As I buckle my seat belt I say, "Now our prayer is that there are no lines at the bank." When we arrive at the bank miraculous it was empty and there were no lines! We get up to the front smoothly, the kids are being well behaved. What should have been a couple minute process ended up taking F O R E V E R the teller started asking un-necessary questions, trying to change what we were doing. The kids started to get restless and time kept ticking on. Finally she finishes up and out the door we go.

We get the kids back in the car and buckled up. We do get to the game on time. But my poor husband. Bless his heart having to drive us around, he has a pretty big side job this weekend and running me around was not part of his plan.

So we get out to the field, I feed Reid lunch and have to nurse him and try to pay attention to Tripp playing. Which he played very very well yesterday! His defense is on point!! (he takes after me!) I wore pants because it's the end of October, but that was a mistake, I was drenched in sweat! LOL

Thank God for my mom though...seriously! She is a life saver. She is always at Tripp's games.  So we decide we will pile up in her car and Mia stayed with her while I borrowed her car to take Tripp to the birthday party at Adventure Landing At 4:00PM. This was one of those big parties you don't want your kids to miss out on. It was one of the kids on his soccer team birthday, they had just won and a bunch of the kids were going...and as we are on our way I realize Tripp only has his soccer cleats. We did not bring his sneakers...So  we had to stop at the store and buy shoes! Luckily Tripp is easy to please. He saw bright green neon shoes and that was what he wanted!

Finally we get to the party. I go to write on the card and our pen runs out of ink! And then I go to use the restroom and there was no toilet paper in the stall! I was holding Reid and I just laughed because seriously the day had just been crazy and I wasn't even shocked. Of course I had to ask if anyone was in there and luckily some one was (Praise God!)

At the end of the day Tripp, Reid and I take the car back to my mom's house where Nick meets us after his long day of work. Reid cried the whole way home and Nick wanted to know what was for dinner. I had no clue...I couldn't think.

 It is now 8:30PM and luckily Grandma had some baked ziti and bread sticks she offered and warmed up for us! We all ate our fill and headed home tired. The day had worn us out but the party was an absolute blast. Tripp played laser tag and rode on the go carts, played tag with his friends and played video games. It was really neat to get to see the kids just play together! I am really blessed that his first soccer team experience has been so great! Mia had fun playing with Grandma and her cousin Vic! And I didn't mess up the day too much by not being able to find my keys. All in all it was worth the chaos and struggle. I am thankful that God was with me all day long and kept me sane! Although the enemy was out to get me yesterday, he tried to distract me, he just couldn't get us off track!

This morning I found my keys and I chuckled. Because sometimes I really wonder if God doesn't use things like that to force us to work together? To work through things? If it were always simple how would we know we could depend on someone?

I did not feel good about myself loosing my keys. In fact there was a moment I felt like a failure. Especially since getting Tripp to his game was on the line so to speak. But I do feel like it created an opportunity for Nick and I to have to work together. It is so easy to get going with life and him go to work and the kids and I go do our thing. So it was nice to get the chance to spend some together when that wasn't the ultimate plan. And at the end of the day we kicked the days butt to get done what needed to get done!!

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