Tuesday, November 1, 2016

FREE Treasure Hunt Downloadble

Treasure Hunts are fun anytime of year. I especially enjoy sending the kids on one on Halloween. This year it was super simple and their treasure was a bunch of Halloween books (we already had) and candy corn. You can be more creative than that, but this year was not one I planned on. So the real treasure was quality time, when we were done we could sit together read and eat candy corn! :) :) :)  Happy Halloween Home School Style!

The kids really enjoyed it. And they enjoyed their treasure. Because the truth is its not even about the treasure at the end, its about the suspense getting to it. Especially since I made them go hide in a room while I set out the clues. That alone got them excited! They enjoyed finding their books and some candy. And then we enjoyed some quiet time together reading. It was a very enjoyable morning.

This year I also remembered to write down the clues so I wanted to share them with you! Even though it says Halloween you could really do this any time of year and just not include the pumpkin graphics! LOL.  It is quick and simple and gets the kids moving. I needed to run out some of their energy and this did the trick!  I hope you enjoy! Let me know how your treasure hunt goes!

Click here to download and print 

*side note the clue about the horses hooves I placed near some toy horses we have. If you don't have toy horses you could always find or print off a picture. If you don't have a soccer ball you can use any ball! 

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