Monday, November 21, 2016

Hiccup in the Road

So by accident my children broke my lap top. Tripp had placed it on the kicthen chair just in time for Reid to crawl along and grab it's cord. Luckily it missed his head as it slammed onto the kitchen floor but unfortunately it broke pieces off of my computer. Needless to say when I went to turn it on nothing happened!

Luckily Google is amazing and I'm able to blog from my phone, but it is a big adjustment. So bear with me as I learn how to share everything I like to share from my phone. And prayerfully soon I'll have another laptop!

So here we sit in the Dentist office waiting for Tripp and I'm practicing blogging on my phone. Which is extra interesting with a squirmy 8 month old in my lap.  LOL it feels different, but I love the photo editor on my phone so maybe this won't be so bad after all!

What hiccups are you facing right now?  Life is always throwing distractions our way and it can be so easy to get mad and give up.  Part of me is writing this post simply so I don't just give up my blog.  I am truly enjoying sharing about our home school journey,  but I almost didn't even write this because I simply like writing from my lap top better and blogging this way simply feels different.

In that moment though I realized how easy giving up would be. I thought to myself this is what the enemy would want.  For me to just simply give up. He comes to seek , kill and steal our joy. Maybe it is challenging and it feels different at first but in time I will get used to blogging this way. And I'm thankful to have this option! If I just give up I'll never know what could have been!

And it's a good reminder for this time of year. With Thanksgiving just days a way it's good to be able to find things to be grateful for! So as we approach this Holiday I leave you with this:

It's not happy people who are thankful.
It is thankful people who are happy!

Happy Thanksgiving!  ðŸ¦ƒðŸ¦ƒðŸ¦ƒ
And God Bless!

❤ ,

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