Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I can't believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving already! I love this time of year! There are so many fun things to do.  But there is also a lot of thought and preparation required in order to pull it all off. There is so much to get done today, and yet I agreed to take Tripp back to the dentist today...what was I thinking? LOL  So today my to do list left as of 10:03 am is :

Fold the towels,  finish the little ones laundry, wash Tripp's sheets for my in laws coming into town tonight, vacuum, clean up the bathroom, take Tripp to his appointment, stop at the grocery store to pick up ingredients, bake a pumpkin cheese cake,  I'd love to get in a 20 minute workout,  and there are a few other things I'd like to get done if I get there.

As much as there is to do, I enjoy doing it. I enjoy creating memories and traditions with my kids.  Last night we hung up the Christmas lights.

Yesterday we went to a home school Thanksgiving feast with our friends.

On Monday we spent some time learning about the first Thanksgiving. We read a few books and as we read we talked about what it meant to be thankful and talked about things we are thankful for.  We talked about the differences between the Pilgrims and native Americans. Then we made these fun and simple headbands and talked about the differences in what they wore. It also opened a discussion about patterns and colors.

My favorite Thanksgiving day craft this year are our Turkey hand prints! They turned out really well and I even got Reid to make one!!  This is his first art project!!

Well break time is over,  it's time to get the kids ready and head to the dentist where I can edit and add pictures while we wait!

Thank you all for stopping by!  I really appreciate the love and support! Let me know you we're here by dropping me a comment, I love hearing from you. 😆 God bless and Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🦃🦃

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