Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Seeds Save the Day

Sometimes as a home school mom, although I am with my kids all of the time, I don't always feel like it is quality time. I can get so busy trying to stay organized, keep on a time schedule, take care of the baby and the kids all while trying - TRYING to keep the house in some sort of order...I find myself trying too hard, losing my patience and not truly being present or pleasant.

And since I can't start a new unit in the middle of the week LOL and we had finished Unit 3 last Monday, I decided that last week we would focus on socializing with our friends and dive into one of my favorite fall topics while at the same time giving myself a break from the curriculum.

I am so glad I made that choice! I needed a break from trying to fit 30 hours into a 24 hour day. The kids and I had a much needed laid back week. We enjoyed quality time with each other and our friends. We laughed and played and plain had fun. We seriously needed that and I am thankful that God gave me the wisdom to make that choice. (Because sometimes making choices like that can be scary and can be followed by that pesky question, "Am I doing the right thing?")

So who knew that studying seeds would be the break we all needed and would provide us lots of opportunities to explore and learn together ??? :) :) :)

We started our study of seeds by looking at and talking about seeds. We talked about how they looked, what we thought they did etc. After that we read The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle and Usborne's   How Do Flowers Grow. We then took a nature walk in our yard and discovered so many different types of seeds. We found seed pods, berries with seeds in the middle, pine cones, acorns and more!

That afternoon I was inspired to start an art project based on the artwork in the Eric Carle book. We watched a few Youtube Videos and went to work!. This was a multi step project and created a wonderful afternoon of painting on the back porch . First we painted full pieces of paper different colors and textures. For example we  used a toothbrush to create a splatter pattern. We used texture brushes I had and honestly I got carried away it was so much fun! We let them dry over night. The next morning we spent time cutting out our shapes and then used the shapes to create a collage of the flower from The Tiny Seed. They came out soo cute! I absolutely love them and we have tons of paper left over to do another project another day!


 We ended the week by making pine cone bird feeders and sorted our seeds to find their match. That craft was a really great hands on way to compare and study the seeds. Both kids really enjoyed our week of playing with our friends and studying seeds at home. I am thankful for the opportunities to enjoy home schooling and enjoy my children and have the ability to decide when to press in and when to step back.

I am thankful for the other home school moms who have started to feel like family. It is such a blessing to get to go to a friends house and watch the kids play for hours with other kids while we enjoy ADULT conversation!! Not only do I grow closer to my children during this journey, but my children and I are creating God led friendships and it is such a beautiful way to live life.

It always awes me because this was not my plan for my life. I simply had no real plan. I didn't know what I was supposed to be or really what I was capable of. Not until I gave up trying and asked God to lead me. I NEVER regret following His lead!

This week we are back on the grind and its as hectic as ever as we prepare for Mia's third birthday party this weekend! But I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!

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