Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Being Present

Oh my it's been a while since I posted! Ever since my lap top broke it has been hard to get into the swing of writing. But now that I have taken a break from Facebook, I have decided to get back into my blog. I think it is the perfect way to share what is going on in our lives with loved ones and friends while maintaining the balance of being present and active as a parent.

Facebook is such a distraction! I did not realize how much time I wasted on Facebook until I actually felt myself bored on Monday afternoon after a full day of schooling, housework, prayer time and exercise...it was a great place to be!!

I have felt so present since I have decided to limit my time browsing my newsfeed. I think many of us tend to forget that  Facebook is not the real world and No matter how much time we spend on it clicking the like button and leaving commemts, it doesn't foster true relationships the way spending time with one another does. Without spending time with people how can we really get to know them?

Now we do live in the modern world and I don't think Facebook is horrible or the root of all evil, I am just in a season where I want to remove the distractions so I can develop and deepen my relationship with God and deepen the relationships God has blessed me with. I want to put down the phone and pray and interact with my husband, my kids, my parents and my friends face to face. I'm  even working on taking less pictures. I don't need 50 shots of the same thing. I need to be present.

And yesterday I was! School went smoothly and was so enjoyable I had to snap a few shots to document God's glory. LOL

Sometimes it is easy to forget how enjoyable life can be. But when we remove the distractions and become intetional and present it can become clear how wonderful life can really be.

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