Friday, January 27, 2017

Explorer at Heart

       I am an explorer at heart.
Hiking and spending time outdoors has always been my happy place. As a mother it is important to me to pass on this joy to my children.
Even if it is just out in our own backyard, God has created a marvelous world for us to explore.

Flowers from our yard.
Only in Florida
will flowers bloom
 in January!
  To help us appreciate nature and fully enjoy our yard we created our own trails. Join us as we go for a walk and show you what we did!


  1. You guys have been busy lately!!! Loving the blog! Great job!

    1. Holy COW! That is the first time it published my comment! I have tried on 3 separate blog posts. Yay!

  2. Hey girl! Yes we have been keeping ourselves busy lol! I know you guys have been pretty busy too with all the soap and sundries production! Hope that is going well!
