Monday, January 23, 2017

Camp Blanding Museum

They say you get what you pay for so I wasn't sure what to expect when I discovered there was a free musuem on the Military base only 10 mins away from my house. But I figured for very little gas and no money it was worth checking out. So Friday afternoon we packed a picnic lunch and headed towards Camp Blanding Museum.

Tripp was excited about going because he was excited to check out some weapons. We were pleasantly surprised for when we got there outside was already an awesome display of tanks, military vehicles, helicopters and airplanes! This created even more excitement to go check things out. 

As we walked into the museum were greeted by some very nice men who knew their facts! They were eager to share what they knew with the children and I. Which I personally love because it just makes the whole experience more enriching.

The museum was very intriguing. They had a ton of original artifacts from a Hershey bar and a military dinner in a box! It was interactive and the kids really enjoyed checking things out!

They had mannequins all over dressed in different uniforms depending on what part of the world they were serving in. We learned about how they handled medical challenges while on the battlefied and why the medic was everybody's friend.

There were tons of weapons, guns, machine, guns and tank replicas. We learned about the woman's role during WWII and they even had a replica of the barracks. 

After spenidng about an hour inside we headed outside to eat and check out the big tanks, trucks and airplanes.

We thoroughly enjoyed our day at the Camp Blanding Musuem. We met vets who shared their stories and taught the kids how they used to have to climb in and out of the tanks because there were no doors. We saw many memorials for the troops that served at Camp Blanding and were humbled by how many people have served to protect our freedoms. 

This was one of those rare occasions where you definitely did not get what you paid for. It was over and above what I was expecting and if you are ever in the area I would recommend stopping by and checking it out! It won't cost you one cent but it will enrich you in a way that is priceless!

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