Thursday, January 19, 2017

Gone Fishin'

This year for Christmas we decdied that we were going to mostly get fishing and camping equipment. We were getting tired of saying we wanted to do these things, but never having the resources to follow through. So the kids got sleeping bags, fishing poles, camo hats, tackle boxes and mud boots so we could be fully prepared.

It is a rare weekend when my husband is home both Saturday and Sunday, and this past weekend was one of those gems! So we decided to take advantage of the opportunity and try out our first family fishing outing!

So we packed up the car and headed to Ronnie Van Zant Park. We heard this was a good place to take the family fishing, so we thought it would be a good place to start!

We got lucky and found a dock all to ourselves. After a few minutes of preparation we were fishing!!

The scenery was beautiful. The weather was perfect. The geese were loud and playful. The mallards swam peacefully around, while the rest of the ducks were praying for food.

Unfortunately though, no one caught any fish. So we tried out a few other spots around the lake, but with no luck. So although we left empty handed, we left satisfied after spending a few hours outdoors and most importantly spending a few hours together as a family! It was a wonderful day! We can't wait to get out and try some other spots and catch our first fish.

What do you and your family do for family time? Do you go fishing? I would love to hear what you are up to ! Be sure to leave me some love! Like and follow my blog to keep up with my latest post! Hope you have a great day!!

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